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Reuven Bensadoun Synagogue

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  • Reuven Bensadoun Synagogue



Reuven Bensadoun Synagogue


Reuven Bensadoun Synagogue: Preserving History and Faith in Fez


Nestled within the ancient walls of Fez, Morocco, the Reuven Bensadoun Synagogue stands as a testament to the enduring history of Jewish communities in the heart of North Africa. The synagogue, named after a prominent Jewish figure, carries a rich heritage that weaves together religious significance, architectural splendor, and the cultural tapestry of Morocco. In this article, we embark on a journey through time and delve into the fascinating history of the Reuven Bensadoun Synagogue, uncovering the threads that connect it to the broader narrative of Jewish life in Fez.


A Glimpse into Jewish History in Fez:


Before delving into the specific history of the Reuven Bensadoun Synagogue, it is essential to contextualize the broader Jewish presence in Fez. Morocco has been home to a vibrant Jewish community for centuries, and Fez, with its labyrinthine medina and rich cultural heritage, played a central role in this narrative. Jewish communities coexisted with their Muslim neighbors, contributing to the city’s diversity and serving as a testament to the tolerance that characterized much of Morocco’s history.

Founding and Construction:


The Reuven Bensadoun Synagogue, often referred to simply as the Bensadoun Synagogue, was established in the heart of Fez during a period of relative stability for the Jewish community. The exact founding date is somewhat elusive, but it is widely believed that the synagogue’s construction took place in the 17th century. As one navigates through the narrow alleys of the mellah, the historic Jewish quarter, the unassuming exterior of the synagogue belies the treasures within.


Architectural Splendor:


The architectural design of the Reuven Bensadoun Synagogue reflects a blend of Jewish and Moroccan influences. The interior is adorned with intricately designed tiles, reflecting the mastery of Moroccan craftsmanship. The bimah, where the Torah is read, takes center stage, surrounded by wooden benches that echo with the whispers of prayers offered over the centuries. The synagogue’s design is a testament to the harmonious coexistence of Jewish and Moroccan aesthetics, creating a space that resonates with spiritual significance and cultural richness.


The Bensadoun Family Legacy:


The synagogue’s name, Reuven Bensadoun, is a nod to a prominent Jewish family that played a pivotal role in Fez’s Jewish community. The Bensadoun family’s contributions extended beyond religious matters, encompassing various aspects of communal life. As philanthropists and community leaders, they left an indelible mark on Fez, and the synagogue stands as a tangible expression of their commitment to preserving Jewish heritage.


Challenges and Renewal:


Throughout its long history, the Reuven Bensadoun Synagogue faced various challenges, including periods of neglect and decay. However, the resilience of the Jewish community in Fez and the dedication of preservationists ensured the synagogue’s survival. In recent decades, restoration efforts have breathed new life into this historical gem, allowing visitors to witness the synagogue in its renewed splendor. The restoration not only preserves architectural beauty but also safeguards the intangible heritage embedded in the synagogue’s walls.


Cultural Heritage and Tourism:


In the 21st century, the Reuven Bensadoun Synagogue has become an integral part of Fez’s cultural heritage and a draw for tourists seeking to explore the city’s rich history. Visitors, both Jewish and non-Jewish, step into the synagogue to gain insights into the traditions and stories that have shaped the Moroccan Jewish experience. The synagogue serves as a bridge between different faiths and cultures, fostering understanding and appreciation for the diversity that defines Morocco’s identity.




The Reuven Bensadoun Synagogue stands as a living testament to the enduring history of Jewish communities in Fez and Morocco at large. Its walls echo with centuries of prayers, celebrations, and challenges faced by the Jewish residents of this ancient city. The synagogue’s journey from its founding to restoration reflects not only the architectural evolution but also the resilience and commitment of the Jewish community to preserving its heritage. As the Reuven Bensadoun Synagogue continues to welcome visitors, it not only showcases the past but also contributes to the ongoing narrative of coexistence and cultural richness in Fez, where the threads of history weave together to create a vibrant tapestry of shared experiences.



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