Riad Sunrise Fes
At RIAD SUNRISE you will live one typical Moroccan experience all the way through your stay with us, the rooms are well ornamented to respond and keep that typical Moroccan touch that you are looking forward to experience.
At RIAD SUNRIS you will get the chance to have a taste of the great Moroccan cuisine, our cook will provide you with an amazing variety of different dishes representing all the different sights of Morocco and your host will do all his best to provide the touch of perfection to your stay.
- Address36/38 derb lamrani Sid laaouad Rcif Fès, Fès-Boulemane, 30100, Morocco
- Phone
- E-mail
- Website
Additional Info
Opening Hours
- Mon~Friopen
- Saturdayopen
- Sundayopen
Enrance Fees
- By admin
- Email: